The art project, that presented the best artists of Ukraine, has begun in the Chocolate lodge on the 13th of February. Lina Kondes`s special project “the Self-understanding” was among the best works. The project has been presented from “Rusnak gallery”. Yana Rusnak is the owner of the gallery.
It is important to remind, that the famous sculptor Oleg Pinchuk exists Lina’s curator. By the way, the famous Swiss company “Bovet” has plasced Oleg Pichuk’s sculpture on the dial of Monsieur Watches.
Also Zinaida Likhacheva’s special project and works of famous artists, sculptors and graphic artists were presended. They were: Tatyana Malinovskaya, Nina Murashkina, Olga Selishcheva, Olesya Dzhurayeva, Olga Kravchenko, Zinaida Likhacheva, Oksana Levchenya – Konstantinovskaya, Emma Tremba, Beata Korn, Maria Kulikovskaya, Galina Grigorieva, Svetlana Karunskoy, Elena Priduvalova, Elena Ryzhikh, Anna Krivolap, Darya Mikityuk, Inna Hasileva, Polina Veller, Lisa Portnova, Tatyana Chernaya, Oksana Radkevich, Ilona Silvashi, Valeria Trubina, Ekaterina Bruyevich, Marina Skugareva, Ksenia Gnilitskaya, Sasha Chichkan. There were invited special guests among them were famous artists Ruslan Tremba and Oleg Tistol, and also the art photographer VarrIng (Igor Babiy).
The Internet edition “In- Art” was a co-promoter of this project. It gathered famous women – artists, sculptors, graphic artists, dress designers, designers and jewelers from the all Ukraine to show the society how the modern world is recognized by professional artists who are famous in Ukraine and in foreign counries.
The pop-art female’s mouths in Lina Kondes’s works are predator-looking and have a lot of red lipstick and saliva. They are capable to blow someone’s skirt up. Mouths invoke powerful fantasy. If you see them once you will not forget them. The artist frankly provokes the viewer. Red lipstick is the most sexual of all cosmetic inventions. This color have an effect on equally both bulls and men. It is one of the most eloquent signs of the sex and temptation. Kondes also has Gothic black versions of lips for fans of thrills. The artist has dared sneer this mean of manipulation the stronger sex. Men’s intimate desire being swallowed, playing with redundancy. There is too much of aggressive color and passion. The absolute object of male desires “separates” from the woman and passes into independently functioning meatarian. It is associated with the main character of the movie “Alien”, because of poisonous slime’s quantity.
According the psychological point of view, he mouth and lips are substitute of genitals. Announcing it is a bad note. That is why women lip up, as a result enlarging their own “commodity cost”.
The artist decided to speak about these foolish stereotypes of sex consumption with humor. The widely opening mouth is between female legs is a sculpture which was presented by Lina. There are a lot of «mockeries” in her works. Lina laughs at the most important thing for men, such as the sexual functioning and the power over women. Mouth between legs is worthy female answer at male’s sexism. The mouth is also the tool of the power and domination.
We see vanity of pygmies on the context of red lips. They couple in various ways. Pygmies remind Keith Haring’s pictograms or “cool” sex Instructions of WC design. The reversion pictographic language of primitive art isn’t occasionally here.
This language just like the red color. It depersonalizes the person, makes him a part of the crowd, lump of consumers among pop culture living exclusively by the main instincts. At the end bright red lips found their “target audience”.
The In-Art Internet-edition organized the first “Chocolate season”. It was founded by Georgy Brailovsky in 2014. It is a socially significant project for association of art market participants and increasing the recognition of the Ukrainian artists in Ukraine and in foreign counties. One of the of communicative space purposes of In-Art is to increase our country’s rating and promoting of the Ukrainian art on a global scale.